About US

Long story short

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris arcu ex, rutrum vel magna at, accumsan efficitur neque. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean mollis, lacus a euismod placerat, ante mi ornare nunc, nec egestas quam est nec felis.

Duis vitae eros diam. Sed orci ligula, finibus eu ultrices ut, pharetra in ex. Cras vitae nulla vitae nulla laoreet sagittis.

Nullam ut ornare eros. Praesent orci velit, tincidunt eget pulvinar sed, cursus et turpis. Nunc at blandit sapien, vel venenatis velit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis vitae eros diam. Sed orci ligula, finibus eu ultrices ut, pharetra in ex. Cras vitae nulla vitae nulla laoreet sagittis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris arcu ex, rutrum vel magna at, accumsan efficitur neque. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean mollis, lacus a euismod placerat, ante mi ornare nunc, nec egestas quam est nec felis.

Duis vitae eros diam. Sed orci ligula, finibus eu ultrices ut, pharetra in ex. Cras vitae nulla vitae nulla laoreet sagittis.

Nullam ut ornare eros. Praesent orci velit, tincidunt eget pulvinar sed, cursus et turpis. Nunc at blandit sapien, vel venenatis velit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis vitae eros diam. Sed orci ligula, finibus eu ultrices ut, pharetra in ex. Cras vitae nulla vitae nulla laoreet sagittis.

we have every tool to help you

Hiba: Kapcsolatfelvételi űrlap nem található.


Short introduction of our team members, and some direct contact information.

CEO, Founder of SZTJ

Nullam ut ornare eros. Praesent orci velit, tincidunt eget pulvinar sed, cursus et turpis. Nunc at blandit sapien, vel venenatis velit. Interdum et malesuada.

DIAN Levente
COO, Chief of Operations

Nullam ut ornare eros. Praesent orci velit, tincidunt eget pulvinar sed, cursus et turpis. Nunc at blandit sapien, vel venenatis velit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Systems Administrator

Nullam ut ornare eros. Praesent orci velit, tincidunt eget pulvinar sed, cursus et turpis. Nunc at blandit sapien, vel venenatis velit. Interdum et malesuada.

WASS András
System Administrator

Nullam ut ornare eros. Praesent orci velit, tincidunt eget pulvinar sed, cursus et turpis. Nunc at blandit sapien, vel venenatis velit. Interdum et malesuada.

Systems Administrator

Nullam ut ornare eros. Praesent orci velit, tincidunt eget pulvinar sed, cursus et turpis. Nunc at blandit sapien, vel venenatis velit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

BÁDER Beatrix
Marketing operations

Nullam ut ornare eros. Praesent orci velit, tincidunt eget pulvinar sed, cursus et turpis. Nunc at blandit sapien, vel venenatis velit. Interdum et malesuada.

Office manager

Nullam ut ornare eros. Praesent orci velit, tincidunt eget pulvinar sed, cursus et turpis. Nunc at blandit sapien, vel venenatis velit. Interdum et malesuada.

Do you want your IT system and corporate data to BE SECURED?

In your vision there is an efficient, reliable and profitable network edge computing? We can help you to make this vision become reality!

Our Services

For more information, click on the service.

Do you have questions? Our contact form avaits you and your questions..

IT Consulting

Our goal is to provide solid cost-effective solutions for your business.

Second Level Support

This support helps the first level support, complex questions and problems will be responded by an appropriate expert.

Hosting/VPS service

Our engineers with more than 10 years of experiences have built a private cloud based on Microsoft technology services, which uses the latest technology to serve our current and potential clients.

IT trainings

User courses are recommended for future participants who should use more software service skills in their daily work. Our courses cover a wide range of Office software applications to the group works programs.

Software-hardware trading

Pick from our product, you will find the best fitting solutions for your needs.

Device Rental

Are you hiring a new colleauge for a definite time, or planning a training for your workers? In cases like this device rental is for you!

Ad-hoc Service

This service for uncontracted clients. We willing to provide solutions for the problem arisen, as soon as possible.

Webdesign & website building

Our team will create your website - according to your needs and the urrent market trends. Whether it is a simple presentation site or a web-shop!

Web Graphics & Corporate Identity

The first impression and the positive judgement are vital importance of evaluating every business.